April 20 - Hawkesbury Upton Village Hall - Hire for Weddings, Parties, Stage for Live music

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Minutes of Meeting held on Monday 20th April 2020
The meeting was held online via Zoom
Chris Rispin, Kate Bashford, Bill Cullen, Angelo Sauro, Sam Allen, Fiona Steeds,
Louise Roberts, Amy Barnfield, Phil Dennett,  Jane Stanbridge, Neil Fozard
Apologies for Absence
Jackie Sandy, Carol Powell
Minutes of the Last Meeting
The date was amended to 9th March 2020 and were signed by Chris as a true record.
Update on Closure of Hall
The Hall was closed to all Users in accordance with Government advice and the door has been locked by key.  The heating is off and Angelo has drained and refilled the tanks.  This will be done every two weeks.  The Hall was thoroughly cleaned after being closed.  Angelo has cleaned the beer lines and turned off the fridges.  He has taken the bottled beer which was going out of date and will make a payment for this. He will check dates on soft drinks.  Insurance requirements regarding empty premises have been suspended until 30/6, but insurance is still in place.  Phil reported that they have advised we check premises weekly, ensure doors and windows are locked, waste removed etc.  They recommend draining heating system to avoid flood risk, however we cannot do this.  Chris will check Suez have emptied our bins. Bill has raised a query with them about non collection and has suspended the service.  Amy will let us know if Pre-school need access to the Hall.
Recreation Ground
The Playpark is closed and the gates have been boarded off.  The Playing field and Skatepark remain open.  The Skatepark is not being used although there has been a problem with youngsters using the underneath area as a drinking den.  Angelo to contact John Day and ask if he can repair the side where they have access.  RosPA did an inspection and found that some of the welding had come undone and Angelo will see if John can fix this as well. Nothing else was highlighted.  The grass has been cut.  Parish Council were reluctant to ask Ian to do it but he was happy that it was safe to do so.  It took him 2 days and we hope that PC will cover the extra cost.  Firework area was seeded last weekend. 
Kate contacted Karen who confirmed that the contractor should have come back to attend to snagging last week but had not appeared.  The slide needs to be replaced but is coming from Austria. Bill has paid all the invoices and £2,000 has been held back.  The remaining account balance is £8708.49
Bill had distributed the reports for February and March.  Balance as of today is £10533.61.  We currently have no income and Bill has asked Utility Warehouse if we can suspend our electricity and phone payments.  PPL/PRS have indicated that they will give a 3 month credit (backdated).  We may be able to claim Rates Relief.  Bill has stopped the standing order for Oil. Bill and Jackie have collected all outstanding monies due.  The Committee thanked them for their work on this.  Jane asked if Bill could let us have a projection of our account balance in 3 months time.  Kate and Jane advised that there does not seem to be any help for small charities like ours whilst ever we have reserves.  Neil wondered if we should fill the oil tank now as prices are so low. Bill will go back to them and find out
Current and Future Bookings
Jackie has tried to postpone bookings, rather than cancel them but anyone who has asked for a refund will be given one.  Jackie and Jack (Amy’s husband) have been liaising regarding the upgrading of our bookings system.   . We will need to liaise with Pre-school before they re-open to make sure the Hall is safe for use. Kate suggested getting supplies of PPE and hand sanitiser.  Sam said that it is in stock at Yate Supplies.  Kate to ask Jess to check supplies of all cleaning products.  She will undertake a good clean if necessary. 
Parish Mag Inserts
Chris has put a notice in the Parish Mag about the Hall/Playpark closure.  It was not felt necessary to contact individual Hall Users at this stage.
Maintenance Projects
Neil will fix the sign.  Dave Lowe might do the fencing at the front.  Anyone who wants to paint inside to let Chris know and he will arrange access.  Louise to check if wildlife area needs attention.
Health & Safety Issues
Sam said that the Drama trolley has been stored under the stage.
Any Other Business
Phil is arranging for the nappy bin to be emptied on Thursday.  This had not been done.
Fiona had a letter from Air Ambulance charity asking if we are happy to continue having a clothing bin from a different provider.  Phil to look at the letter and review the contract.
Bill said we need to give meter readings to Utility Warehouse but Angelo has already done this.  They also want us to have a smart meter but we can’t because we have 3 phase.
Date of Next Meeting
The date of the next meeting will be 11th May at 7.45pm (via Zoom)
There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.45pm.
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