Jan 18 - Hawkesbury Upton Village Hall - Hire for Weddings, Parties, Stage for Live music

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Minutes of Meeting held on Monday 8th January 2018
Chris Rispin   Pat Sherry  Fiona Steeds   Kate Bashford   Neil Fozard    Bill Cullen
Sam Allen    Hilary Rogers   Angelo Sauro   Siobhan Biglands   Rebecca Clark
Apologies for Absence
Lorraine Rutter   Pete and Sue Webb   Mandy Clark   Louise Roberts   Jane Stanbridge 
Phil Dennett  Derek Higgs
Minutes of the Last Meeting
These were agreed as a true record.
Windows – Angelo has looked at the quotes and recommends CR Windows.  Kate hopes to get around £10k from “Awards for All” grant.  This amount could include stage doors.  Angelo to measure up for these and Kate will ask CR to add to quote.
Constitution/Charity formation – Kate & Phil are meeting tomorrow to finalise the information to be sent to the Charities Commission.  Kate still waiting for some Trustees to sign up. 
Breakfast Event – It was decided to hold a “Big Breakfast” event on Sunday 22nd April.  Fiona to organize food.  Angelo has booked the Hall.  Lorraine to advise Karate.  Kate will do publicity and try to get sponsors.  Volunteers required to help on the day!
Treasurer’s Report – Bill had distributed the report which was discussed. 
Fees – Fiona to ask Lorraine to advise regular groups of increase in fees.
Insurance – Fiona to email Chris Harding to try and arrange a meeting to discuss Insurance.  Chris & Rebecca will attend – anyone else who is interested can go.
Parish Council Report  - no report this month.
Car Parking Fees – Neil collected £10.01 this month. Kate to speak to the school about their staff using the car park without paying.
Pre-School – Claire had emailed their proposed Hire Agreement.  Phil is going to look at it.  They have included a 6 month notice termination clause.  The Committee were happy with this, with a proviso that this would exclude any unforeseen circumstances such as Hall closure due to fire/flood for example.  Siobhan to go back to pre-school and discuss implications with them.
We are still looking for people to take over as Chairman and Vice Chairman.  Anyone who is interested in these posts should speak to Chris. 
AGM - Chris will prepare a report for the AGM and Bill will do the accounts.  Angelo agreed to Chair the meeting in Chris’s absence.  Sam will take the Minutes as Fiona cannot attend.  Chris to put Notice of Meeting in Parish mag.  It will start at 7.30pm.  Could all Committee members please confirm if they are staying on the Committee.  If not, please advise who will replace you.
Licensee – Will Robson has booked a place on a Licencing Course.  We will pay the fees.  Angelo will stay on as a Licensee to help with transition.  Chris to ask Phil to sort a contract for Will.  We will be invoiced for Will’s work through his Company.
Bookings – Lorraine sent through an updated list – quite a few new bookings.
Meter Readings – Chris has done these.
Cleaning – Jess is back to work.  Fiona to email Louise to thank her for filling in.
Hedge Laying – Neil will advise when a date has been set.
Hall Heating – Siobhan asked if something can be done about Hall being cold, particularly on Monday mornings.  The radiators are very hot and timer is set to come on at 5am.  There are radiators on the stage which Angelo has now turned on in the hope that this will counteract the draft from the stage doors.
Play Area/Skatepark Report
Rebecca gave £230 from Christmas Disco and £100 from Show Committee to Bill to bank.  They are having a meeting next week.
Health & Safety – nothing to add.
Emergency/ Lighting/Fire Bells – two of the emergency lights are getting faint.
Working Party – Angelo to set a date.
Any Other Business:
Chris has a mat for the Pre-school cupboard.  At the moment the trolley cannot be moved but new wheels can be fitted. Siobhan to ask if this is required.
Minutes from Special General Meeting to be circulated.
Bill advised that we need to have a PRS Licence for Music played in the Hall.  He will arrange this.
Kate asked if anyone is willing to attend Play Area/Skatepark Committee meetings to advise them. Chris said he may be able to attend occasionally, given notice.  Kate offered to liaise with Karen Bexter and report back.
Angelo has sourced a new water heater.  He will find out if it has an in-built water softener.  Siobhan offered to help if we need a water softener for the building.
Neil asked if we could replace the square wooden tables with metal ones as they have got very shabby.  Siobhan’s sister works for an office furniture company.  She will try to get a quote for 30 x 24” square tables which must be stackable.
Angelo is sorting the tap in the gents toilet.
Angelo offered to do a PAT testing course which would enable him to do an annual check of Hall.  The Committee would be happy to pay for this and the equipment, but Chris suggested Angelo check the Insurance requirements before going ahead.
Angelo is still working on Hallmark.
Date of Next Meeting
The date of the next meeting will be 12th February 2018 at 7.45pm. 
This will follow the Annual General Meeting which will start at 7.30pm.
There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.50pm.
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