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CIO Trustees > 2025 Minutes
Village Hall Committee Meeting – 13th January 2025
·         Apologies for Absence (Fiona)
·         Minutes of Previous Meeting (Fiona)
·         Issues arising/Decisions/Approvals
·      CIL Application for dishwasher & PC future hall funding (Andrew)
·      AGM planning (Andrew/Fiona/Bill)
·         Policy Review (updates for approval circulated prior to meeting)
·         Policy for bar operation and sale of alcohol – update in line with Premises Licence update (Andrew)
·         Strategic Plan Activities
·         EV chargers update (Andrew/Angelo)
·         New chairs upstairs room (Angelo)
·         Section 106 funds
·         Request for help/support to manage both projects (Andrew)
o   “Young Persons” – Basketball Court refurb/MUGA  
o   “Nature and Open Spaces” – Rec field perimeter hedging
·         Hall Operations Status
·         Storage cupboard issues (Vicky)
·         Bookings & events update (Jackie)
·         Booking updates/info  (Jackie)
·         2025 regular bookers status (Jackie)
·         2025 Fund raising events/bookings calendar (Andrew)
·         Big Breakfast – plan (All)
·         Greg Chapman (magician)? (Angelo)
·         Monthly Reports (issued in advance - arisings only)
·      Finance (Bill)
·      Health & Safety (Andrew)
·      Playpark annual review and actions (Angelo/Alan)
·      Monthly checks register (Angelo)
·         Parish Council feedback (Katie)
·         Correspondence & Publicity (Fiona & Hannah)
·         AOB (All)
 Date of Next Meeting:  10th February at 19.45

Minutes of Committee Meeting 
Monday 13th January 2025                                                                    
Andrew Webb, Neil Fozard, Jackie Sandy, Alan Charlesworth, Fiona Steeds,
Vicky Rispin,  Angelo Sauro, Bill Cullen,  Jane Stanbridge, Sue Hope, Katie Griffin,
Sally Roberts, Hilary Rogers
Mandy Clark, Hannah Herod
The Minutes of the November 2024 Meeting were agreed as a true record. No meeting held in December.
Cil Application
We applied for a CIL grant for the new Dishwasher, but were unsuccessful as it did not fit the Infrastructure criteria. This has left the Hall Committee confused as to what the PC will fund and under what types of funding.  Andrew will request a meeting between several members of the Hall Committee and the Parish Councillors to try to understand and  clarify what is covered by the different funding streams going forward so that we know where the Parish Council can help financially and allow us to plan accordingly.
AGM Planning
The AGM will be held on Monday 24th March at 7pm for 7.30pm start.
Bar Policy
Andrew has updated the Bar Policy in line with our new Premises Licence which is the whole Committee’s responsibility, rather than one person. The policy had been distributed prior to the meeting and all Committee members confirmed that they have read and understood it as required by the Licensing Authority.  Andrew has taken on the role of Bar Manager since Joy Harber left the role.  Another “Challenge 25” Notice is needed for the Notice Board – Angelo to sort this.
EV Chargers
These are now in place but the area around them needs to be clearly marked out and signposted.  Angelo/Andrew will complete the forms to start the contract with the management company.  Pricing still to be decided but we hope to be up and running in the Spring.
New Chairs for Upstairs Room
Angelo has ordered 12 chairs for upstairs in keeping with the refurb.  They will be delivered in February.  Depending on how much the room is booked out we will consider replacing the tables.
Nature & Open Spaces
It was agreed that Alan’s suggestion of planting hedging around the perimeter of the Rec is a good one.  Jane offered to lead this Project and get quotes from local contractors for the work, which will also include on-going annual maintenance costs. Andrew will liaise with her and pass on his South Glos Council contact information.
Young Persons Area
A Refurb of the existing basketball area to create a “mini-MUGA” (Multi Use Games Area) using the grant money allocated has been agreed.  It requires a Project manager to assist Andrew and Jane will advertise this on social media. Andrew will help Jane in describing the project and the funding available etc.
Vicky was concerned that access to the Library storage trolleys was hampered by the Bowls Mats and Evergreens cupboard.  However after the meeting it was established that if the Mats are stored against the radiator the problem will be solved.  Bill/Angelo will make sure this is done after Bowls sessions.  Vicky also asked for a new low level table for Toddlers which was approved.  However there are 2 (one slightly higher) in the cupboard.  Vicky will see if they are suitable before ordering a new one.
Booking Updates/Info
Jackie has had a request for a booking on 9/3 for Teak Furniture sale.  She will ask them to protect the Hall Floor and pay in advance when confirming. The Commercial price rate to be used.
Cricket Club wish to have a Curry/Race night on 29/3 and asked to run their own bar.  They will have to pay for a staffed bar as they are not Trustees and the Premises Licence no longer allows non Committee members/non Trustees to run the bar.  If they wish they can nominate bar staff to work under the supervision of the Bar Manager and those staff will be paid by the Hall. They can then choose to donate their payment back to the CC if they so wish.
Andrew will liaise with Megan Weston regarding her booking for 28/2.
Christening Party on March 8th requires a bar – Andrew will manage.
Jackie is meeting with a lady who wants to organise a Folk Camp in July, to show her the Hall and Rec.  If she wants to book Jackie/Andrew will liaise on pricing.
Most regular bookers have confirmed their 2025 dates.  Jackie to confirm dates with Karate and Circuits.
The Henry Herbert event was a great success and should yield a good profit for FOSM and the Hall.  Thanks to everyone involved in organising the event.
Fiona to thank Louise for organising the “Polaris the Snow Bear” show which was excellent and well supported2024 Fundraising events/Bookings Calendar
FOSM have booked a date in September for “Proms” event. Details to be discussed when received.
2025 Hall Big Breakfast is confirmed for Sunday 13th April.  Fiona/Vicky to organise.
Angelo has booked Greg Chapman Magician for 27/6.  He will pay Hall hire and sell his own tickets.  We will run a bar and publicise the event.
There was no Report this month as we are waiting for grant money to be paid before it can be finalised.  Bill went through the details with the Committee.  Andrew managed to get another £1500 from the Solar Grant people which covers our overspend.
Health & Safety
No issues.
Playpark Annual Review
Angelo confirmed that we have received a very thorough report from the new Contractor and the whole site was deemed low risk.  There are minor issues to be addressed by the Maintenance team.
Monthly Checks
All OK.  Fiona to review Food Safety Policy.
Sue said that an email had been received suggesting the Hall site Inpost Lockers for residents to receive parcels.  The Hall had also been approached.  Jane will check that Dick at the Post Office is ok with the idea and if so Andrew will look into it.
Vicky asked for help to put the Christmas Tree away.  This was done after the meeting.
Katie asked for better instructions on how to use the Dishwasher.  Angelo to help with this.  She also asked for a pedal bin for the kitchen.  She will let Bill know which one she wants.
Jackie to remind all Hall Users that any electrical equipment they bring into the hall must be PAT tested.
Jackie to ask Kate Bashford if she has instructions for cleaning the floor.
Bill asked if anyone knew the person who offered Insurance advice during the Playpark incident.  Jane to put something on social media.
There being no further business, the meeting was closed at 9.45pm.
Date of next meeting: Monday 10th February 2025
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