AGM Jun 24 - Hawkesbury Upton Village Hall - Hire for Weddings, Parties, Stage for Live music

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CIO Trustees > 2024 Minutes
Annual General Meeting 
Monday 10th June 2024 
Papers available from 7pm for 7.30pm start
Previous Minutes 
Matters Arising
Chairman’s Report
Treasurer’s Report
Election of Committee Members
Any Other Business
Annual General Meeting 
Monday 10th June 2024 
MINUTES OF MEETING                                                                
Vicky Rispin, Hilary Rogers, Jackie Sandy, Hannah Herod, Neil Fozard,  Andrew Webb,
Fiona Steeds, Alan Charlesworth, Sue Hope, Sally Roberts, Kate Bashford, Katie Griffin
Mandy Clark, Bill Cullen, Jane Stanbridge, Angelo Sauro
Previous Minutes 
The Minutes of the AGM held on 22nd May 2023 were signed by Andrew as a true record.
Matters Arising (from the previous AGM held in 2023)
Katie Griffin had asked whether the Village Hall was actually needed.  We continue to attract new users and believe the Hall is a vital community asset.
Hazel Jones had asked if we could make more use of the Rec.  We have increased bookings for the Caravan Club but are mindful that too many large events would be disruptive to our neighbours. Other uses are under consideration that would be less busy.
Graham Chamberlain had asked how other Village Halls are funded.  It seems that most of them are funded by their Parish Councils. There is an ongoing need for discussions with our own Parish Council on this matter.
Hazel Jones believed that there was a need for a café in the village.  However this is not something the Hall Committee can run but we are still open to a proposal from a commercial enterprise.
Chairman’s Report
Andrew had distributed his Report in advance of the meeting and summarised the main points. There were no questions or issues raised. Vicky thanked Andrew and Bill for their hard work this year and Alan added thanks to Angelo who always works extremely hard on our behalf. Andrew pointed out that we may have to consider a paid Caretaker post in the future due to the ever increasing maintenance and operational requirements. Vicky will ask for the report to be printed in the Parish Magazine.
Treasurer’s Report
Bill’s report had been circulated and Andrew presented it in Bill’s absence. Against our initial plans and forecasts at the start of the year,  we made a profit of £12,796.89 for the year. This was down to a significant increase in private party bookings aligned with a far more profitable bar operation. Andrew warned that this was exceptional and already we are not seeing this level of bookings in 2024. The increased profits will contribute to our on-going hall development and improvement projects. Sue asked if the accounts were audited. Andrew replied that Anna O’Brien does this for us and, although there is no legal requirement for it, we feel it is good practice.
Election of Officers
We have 6 Committee members up for re-election:
Andrew Webb, Bill Cullen, Jackie Sandy, Fiona Steeds, Hannah Herod and Jane Stanbridge. All 6 were proposed for re-election by Vicky Rispin and seconded by Alan Charlesworth.
Any Other Business
Sue thanked Andrew, Bill and Angelo again and Katie remarked that she felt that they were doing a great job in future proofing the Hall.
There being no further business the meeting was closed at 7.55pm.

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