Apr 24 - Hawkesbury Upton Village Hall - Hire for Weddings, Parties, Stage for Live music

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CIO Trustees > 2024 Minutes
Village Hall Committee Meeting – 29th April 2024
·       Apologies for Absence (Fiona)
·       Minutes of Previous Meeting (Fiona)
·       Decisions, Approvals, Committee Ratifications (proposals circulated prior to meeting)
·     AGM preparation (all)
·       Policy Review (updates for approval circulated prior to meeting)
·       Risk Management plan - 6 monthly update (Andrew)
·       Strategic Plan Activities
·       Hall signage project – update (Andrew/Angelo)
·       De-stratification fans – update (Angelo)
·       West of England Rural Fund (solar application £38k) – update (Andrew)
·       Tesco young people grant – update
·       Plan for the next 3 yr. Strategic/Investment Plan – update (Andrew)
·       Section 106 funds
·       Multi Use Games Area & Natural/wildlife open space – update (Andrew/Kate)
·       Hall Operations Status (Kate)  
·       Kitchen dishwasher status (Angelo)
·       Playpark maintenance costs (Alan) (swing paint, picnic bench, twister dots)
·       Bookings & events update (Jackie)
·       Booking updates/info  (Jackie)
·       2024 Fund raising events/bookings calendar (Andrew)
·       Hall Committee fund-raising events – Sept & Dec (Alan/Neil)
·       Monthly Reports (issued in advance - arisings only)
·     Finance (Bill)
·     Health & Safety (Andrew) 
·     Monthly checks register (Angelo)
·     Rec/playpark/skatepark monthly checks – formal check sheet sign-off
·       Parish Council feedback (Katie)
·       Correspondence & Publicity (Fiona & Jane)
·       AOB (All)
 Date of Next Meeting:  AGM – date TBD

Minutes of Committee Meeting 
Monday 29th April 2024                                                                    
Andrew Webb,  Angelo Sauro, Neil Fozard, Vicky Rispin, Hilary Rogers, Fiona Steeds, Jackie Sandy, Sally Roberts, Sue Hope, Kate Bashford
Mandy Clark, Jane Stanbridge, Katie Griffin, Alan Charlesworth, Bill Cullen
The Minutes of the March 2024 Meeting were agreed as a true record.
AGM Preparation
It was agreed that the re-scheduled AGM will take place on Monday 10th June 2024 at 7pm for 7.30pm start. Vicky to advertise this in the Parish Magazine. Andrew will update Trustee list and ask elected representatives if they are standing for re-election.
Risk Management Plan
As part of the 6 monthly update the Committee reviewed the Plan.  All identified risks are at their residual  risk level having completed all the identified mitigation actions, with the majority classified as “green” and some “amber”, except for Fire Doors.  It was agreed that Sally will contact the Fire Service for advice and that we will arrange for a Fire Audit to be carried out.  Andrew will distribute the Plan to the Committee and ask for any thoughts on how the “amber” risks could be mitigated further.
Hall Signage
The new signs have been put in place.  Hazel Jones had informed Andrew that she had been asked if residents have to pay to park at the Hall.  Andrew replied to say that nothing has changed, we have always asked for donations for parking but it is free to Hall/Playpark Users.  The new sign has a QR code for payments and this has already proved successful as Neil collected £24 over 2 days (total £41.95 for the month) and Angelo reported that online payments are being made.
Destratification Fans
West Country Electrical have emailed Angelo with possible solutions to the issues with the fans. However Angelo and Andrew do not feel they are addressing the problem and will arrange to meet with them.
West of England Rural Fund
Andrew was pleased to report that our grant application for £38K was successful. This will give us an extra 29kwatt of solar panels and additional battery storage, plus 2 EV charging points. We must put this out to tender to suppliers. Kate to check planning guidance for the installation and Angelo will find out what rate we would get from our current electricity provider for exporting to the grid.
Tesco Young People Fund
Andrew has looked at the application process which is very complicated.  It was decided not to proceed with this.
Plan for the next 3 Years
The plan will be due for renewal in May 2024 and Andrew is working on it to ensure we have a fully integrated plan that combines our investments and development plans with appropriate funding sources.
Further to Kate & Andrew’s meeting with SGC, Andrew has contacted 3 MUGA suppliers to get an idea of costs and determine if this proposal is feasible ( £42.5K available for this project).  £27k is available for Nature & Open Spaces and we hope to liaise with Andrew McLaughlin, as he is already working on developing a local nature plan  with the Parish Council and S.Glos Council.  Andrew Webb is hoping his son will be able to arrange for a digital survey of the Rec to be done which will enable us to envisage where these areas could be best located.  Vicky was concerned that this might impact the setting up of the Marquees and stalls for Hawkesbury Show, but the Committee view was that we should take all considerations into account and determine an optimimum plan to meet all requirements.
Dishwasher – still not working properly.  Angelo will try to strip the machine down to access the heating element which may need to be replaced.  Fiona to pass on contact details for possible sourcing of parts.
Playpark Maintenance – Alan was not at the meeting but Sally will pass on details of the supplier used to buy picnic benches for the Tennis Club.
Booking Updates/Info
Jackie said that the Polling Booths have been delivered for Thursday. Vicky offered to open up at 6am and Jackie will close up at 10pm.
We have been asked to cover the Hall Hire costs for the defibrillation training sesion on Saturday.  Sue said that PC would pay half and we will pay the other half.
Wotton Bridge Club would like to hire the Hall for an all day event next February on a Tuesday.  Vicky said Toddlers could cancel and Jackie will contact Evergreens.
The Hall floor has been damaged, possibly by play equipment at a party hire event.  Angelo to put in the Hallmaster booking confirmation notice  that protective mats must be used under play equipment such as Bouncy Castles.
The Drama Murder Mystery was very successful.  Jackie to find out what the requirements are for the Farmers Lunch event.
Hall fundraising events
Neil to speak to Peter Setterfield who, we believe, is interested in running a Wine Tasting evening on behalf of FOSM and the Hall in December.  Angelo to speak to Sally Bleaken re possible music event in September.
Bill’s Report was discussed.  Andrew to ask him about EDF and Insurance costs.
Health & Safety
Nothing to report.
Monthly Checks
Angelo has replaced the seals on the door to the Defibrillator Cabinet as it was leaking.
Angelo has modified the Playpark checklist to include signature and date.
Andrew and Angelo to meet with the sound technicians from Drama group to work out how best to join up the Hearing Loop, Drama Sound System and our Amp so that they work in conjunction with one another.
Sue thanked Andrew for attending The Parish Council Annual Assembly and explaining how the Hall is being managed, which was very helpful.  There is a possibility that SGC will be looking to hire the meeting room for a Citizens Advice type service.
No correspondence. 
Jane emailed to say that she will be unable to do the Publicity for the Hall over the next 6 months but will resume in November if required. Vicky offered to put together the page for the Parish Magazine and Andrew will speak to Hannah to ask if she would be prepared to take over the Facebook page temporarily.
There being no further business, the meeting was closed at 9.47pm
Date of next meeting:
Monday 10th June 2024 - AGM 7pm for 7.30pm start,  followed by Committee meeting

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