Nov 21 - Hawkesbury Upton Village Hall - Hire for Weddings, Parties, Stage for Live music

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Village Hall Committee Meeting – 8th November 2021
1.      Apologies for Absence (Fiona)
2.      Minutes of Previous Minutes (Fiona)
3.      Decisions, Approvals, Committee Ratifications (proposals circulated prior to meeting)
·     Proposal for Committee responsibility for the alcohol licence (Phil)
4.      Policy Review (updates for approval circulated prior to meeting)
·     Employment policy (Bill) – if available
·     Explanation for hire & use of recreational field as per the Trust rules (Phil)
5.      Strategic Plan Activities (Andrew)
·       Solar Power project - “Leader Programme” application details (Kate)
o   Specification / Supplier Selection / Financing / Preferred Timescale
·       Any strategy plan activity issues/guidance/direction required from Committee (All)
6.      Hall Operations Status
·       Regular users/hirers Covid return status (Kate/Bill)
·       Youth Club leader update (Neil)
7.      Bookings & events update (Jackie)
·       Schmoozembergs show, November 13th – ticket sales / bar staffing status (Louise/Andrew)
·       Other booking updates/info  – Christmas shopping etc…. (Jackie)
·       Thornbury Swing Band fundraiser – when? (Andrew)
8.      Monthly Reports (issued in advance - arisings only)
·     Finance (Bill)
·     Health & Safety (Chris) – arisings/key mitigation actions progress
·     Playpark/Skatepark (Steve)
·     Monthly checks register (Angelo)
9.      Maintenance activities/plan (Angelo)
·     Monthly maintenance update/planned future activities
·     CCTV improvements update
10.  Parish Council feedback (Sue)
11.  Correspondence & Publicity (Fiona & Jane)
12.  AOB (All)
 Date of Next Meeting:  Monday 13th December 2021 at 7.45pm

Minutes of Committee Meeting
8th November  2021
PRESENT   Chris Knight    Sam Allen   Hilary Rogers   Fiona Steeds    Sue Hope    Phil Dennett    
 Louise Roberts   Vicky Rispin   Jane Stanbridge   Hannah Herod    Neil Fozard   Kate Bashford
Andrew Webb & Jackie Sandy (via Zoom)
APOLOGIES   Steve Magrath   Mandy Clarke   Angelo Sauro   Sally Roberts   Bill Cullen   Neil Adams   
The Minutes were agreed as a true record.
Proposal for Committee Responsibility for Alcohol Licence
Phil had circulated his proposal which was clear and comprehensive. Kate added that Andrew & Angelo are still working on an update to the Bar Procedure which will outline duties and responsibilities for Hirers. Phil confirmed that the Licence applies to the Building but going forward we can get it extended to cover the field. There was some discussion about who would take responsibility for bejng the responsible person for each function but this was confirmed as either a trustee or someone known to the committee as per the proposal paper. This would be reviewed by the committee as the bookings were made.
The Policy was approved by the Committee and Phil will make a formal application to South Glos Council when we have completed the update of Terms and Conditions.
Employment Policy – to be discussed at December meeting.
Explanation for Hire & Use of Recreational Field
Having checked the relevant documents (i.e. title deeds, the original 1951 Trust deed and the subsequent 2018 Trust Deed, and our constitution) Phil confirmed that there is no validity whatsoever in the occasionally stated misconception that there is some historic reason why we cannot hire out the field or charge for entry to specific events on the field. We are able to do this.
Solar Power Project
Kate reported that an application has been submitted to Leader for a £12,000 grant for Solar Panels. It was decided to go for an 11 kilowatt system with battery storage. This capacity will generate more electricity than our average annual consumption, however there will be periods when we may sell excess energy to the grid and other periods, particularly winter evenings, when we will still have to buy from the grid, but overall we should be self-sufficient which is a key environmental factor for the project.. The total cost will be £20k so we will have to try to secure further grant funding. It is hoped that the installation could be done next Easter. Although planning permission is not required, we will need South Glos Council to confirm this via a pre-planning enquiry which would cost £200.
The Committee confirmed they were happy for this to be progressed.
Storage Sub Committee
Vicky reported that she, Sam and Hilary had begun a full review of storage facilities in the Hall. They would like to label the drawers and cupboards in the kitchen  the Committee agreed this should be done.. They have contacted Hall Users and Vicky has listed what storage each group has. She will distribute this to the Committee. She asked if the Table Tennis table and Piano could be moved, but these are listed as available to Hall Hirers. There is a carpet which Jane will put on Second to None free to collect.  Vicky would like to store Toddlers’ toys under the stairs. This was agreed. The storage group would like to review the space used by preschool in the kitchen. Kate will speak to Pre-school about appointing a representative to the Committee. Andrew asked if all user groups with storage could be asked to take a look at what they have and list any items for disposal to try and clear some clutter.
Hall Decoration
Kate asked if we have a regular decorating contractor. She has a quote of £2k for doing the Hall. Neil said the last time the Hall was painted was by Leyhill Prisoners. Kate has been advised against plastering over the breeze block by a Plasterer.  The advice is to paint it. Andrew asked if any other options could be explored for covering the breeze block up to the 2m high rail, and if the sub-group could prepare a full decoration proposal for committee consideration when appropriate.
40th Anniversary Celebrations
Andrew said that his original plan was for a fundraising event, but at a subsequent meeting the majority of the Committee felt that we should try to offer mainly free activities so that people are able to come along and know that it will not cost a lot of money.
Sally & Jane are no longer working on this project but Hannah and Sam are happy to continue and would like to encourage other village groups to take part.  They will try to gauge what the support in the community is like.
It was recognised that if there was sufficient support to organise 2 events this may be possible – one would be closer to the original remit of a paid event to celebrate 40 years of the Hall, while the other could be a low / no cost event for example to celebrate the Hall's role during and after Covid.
Youth Club
Neil emailed to say that they still do not have a Leader and are continuing to advertise for one. Kate felt that we need them to give us a timeframe as we cannot keep their slot open indefinitely. Kate to follow up with Neil.
The Schmoozembergs – 13th November
Louise has only sold 24 tickets but hopes we may get between 40-50 people on the night. Andrew will let Angelo know so that he can stock the bar. Hannah & Andrew will man the bar. Jane & Sue offered to help in the kitchen on the night. Kate to ask Angelo to add a “ticket money” option to the card machine.
Jackie reported that she has met with 2 couples regarding wedding bookings. She will meet with Andrew to discuss charges next week. The aim is to price bespoke “wedding packages” for each event as it is already clear that couples want very different things! Jackie has also started compiling a “Hirer’s Booklet” as there is insufficient information available to Hirers at the moment.
Thornbury Swing Band
Andrew has spoken to Terry Truebody who said they would charge £200 and require 2 months’ notice for a booking. It was decided that May/June would be a good time of year. Andrew to get back to Terry.
Bill had distributed his report which was discussed. The Committee would like Bill to confirm what the profit from the Table Top Sale was at the December meeting.  A projector screen was purchased for the upstairs meeting room. It will be put up at the maintenance session this weekend. Phil offered to move the Buffs console table as part of this weekend’s maintenance list.
Health & Safety
Chris had distributed his report along with a summary of actions to address our most significant risks. This listed actions which are mostly for Andrew, Angelo, Phil and Chris. Chris has cleared out some of the cleaning products which were unsafe and he will meet with Jess, Ian and Ange to discuss the COSHH assessment.  Kate to liaise on this.
Steve submitted his report. Kate reported that the new gate for the Play Area is due to arrive this week. Phil and Neil will resolve the problem with the old hinges at the weekend. Chris asked if there have been any reports of dog fouling but no one was aware of any.
Monthly Checks
Angelo’s report was distributed and discussed.
Someone has put a “Wear A Mask” sign on the door which is causing confusion. It is believed that this was Pre-school and, if so, Kate will ask them to remove it at the end of each session. The Committee are in favour of a notice encouraging the use of face masks. Kate will revisit current guidance and share information with users to confirm the approach that should be taken.
Working Party this weekend – see above.
Kate to ask Angelo for an update on CCTV.
Sue confirmed the Parish Council drop in session on 20/11 from 10-12.  They will focus on issues like car parking, energy and climate change and nature to try and engage community interest. The Parish Council will have CIL money available and Jane asked if this could go towards the Solar Panel scheme.  Sue said we could suggest this.
Carly Hall who runs the Dance School had asked if she could extend the Ballet Barre further along the wall. This has been approved and she will cover the costs and be responsible for fixing it safely to the wall.
Email from WERN inviting us to attend their AGM which is being held on 17/11/21 by Zoom. Fiona to forward link to all Trustees.
Jane will prepare the Parish Magazine article – there were no additions from the Committee.
Neil collected £13.33 from parking.
Vicky asked if the Covid testing Van has stopped coming. Kate said that this was the case as they did not have a significant number of people turning up. However, Jackie will ask if they would be prepared to come when the Library is open (every second Friday) and we will publicise it.
Sam asked if she could bring up wine for the Shop wine tasting evening and leave it in the bar. This was agreed.
Sue asked where the aluminium chairs were stored and Kate told her they are in the shed outside.  Once the chair store is tidied we may be able to put some in there.
Hilary said that the chairs being stacked 6 high makes it impossible for WI to put them out/away and they have to pay someone to do it. Kate said that if they felt it was a H&S risk to let us know and we will address it.
Jackie said that someone has come forward about the Bar job. Andrew said he will discuss it with Jackie when they meet up regarding wedding costings.
Vicky has found Hall plans in their house. These have now been stored in the Hall office.
There being no further business the meeting was closed at 9.30pm.
The date of the next meeting will be Monday 13th December 2021 at 7.45pm.
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