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Village Hall Committee Meeting – 10th August 2020
Meeting to be held via Zoom
Apologies for Absence
Minutes of Previous Minutes
Review of opening the Hall for other users
Play park opening feedback
Finance including Utility Warehouse review
Community garden
Air Ambulance Container
Maintenance list and skate park damage. Thoughts for CCTV
Health and safety considerations
       Parish Council feedback
      Date of Next Meeting:  Monday 14th September 2021 at 7.45pm

Minutes of Meeting held on Monday 11th August 2020
The meeting was held online via Zoom
Chris Rispin,   Bill Cullen, Jackie Sandy,  Sam Allen,  Fiona Steeds, Amy Barnfield, Phil Dennett,  Neil Fozard, Sue Hope, Sally Roberts, Neil Adam
Apologies for Absence
Mandy Clarke, Louise Roberts, Steve McGrath, Kate Bashford
Minutes of the Last Meeting
The Minutes were signed as a true record.
Review of Opening Hall for Other Users
Chris had participated in a zoom meeting organised by Dick Whittington and presented this to the Committee.  Chris felt that we have got the main requirements covered and said that the emphasis was on User Responsibility to operate within the guidelines. It was recommended that we allow 30 minutes extra time for Hirers to clean. Bill asked if this would be free of charge and it was agreed that this would be the case to encourage people back. Face coverings are now compulsory inside Village Halls but there has been some confusion about which activities are exempt. This has been clarified in the presentation, so Sport activities that are allowed e.g. Badminton – do not need to wear face masks.  We need to add this to our booking conditions.  Jackie said that Carly (Dance School) had done her risk assessment but was waiting for confirmation of the face mask issue before deciding whether or not to start classes.  The quilting class and Evergreens are not ready to return.  Maria from Karate had spoken to Fiona about restarting but has not made a formal enquiry.  Neil Adams felt that Youth Club are unlikely to return given the restrictions on activities they can offer and the extra cleaning required by their leaders before and after sessions.  Chris said that the Hall would be cleaned the morning after their session, although they should still clean key areas, which would lessen the burden for them.  Neil will discuss with his fellow Committee members and let us have their decision.  Sue said the Parish Council are having problems with internet on some zoom meetings and Chris said it could be possible for them to use the main hall for better social distancing if none of the other Users had returned.  Sue will also look into the logistics for Library to re-open.   Risk Assessment.  Amy said that Pre-school will start up in September for 5 days a week.
Play park Opening Feedback
The Play Park has re-opened and is proving popular.  The damaged slide has been replaced.  We are using 1litre of disinfectant every 2nd day.  There are signs in the zipwire to say the area is not disinfected.  Despite a sign saying adult supervision is required, there are unaccompanied children using it.  Bolts have been removed from skatepark equipment and graffiti has been sprayed.  John Day will do the repairs on Wednesday and the Skatepark will have to be closed for the day.  Amy reported that a wooden duck beside the Pre-school shed had been damaged apparently wilfully.  Chris asked Phil to order disinfectant from Initial.
Community Garden
The wildlife garden has been damaged – although Louise did not seem to think it was deliberate. She has 3 volunteers who have committed to help with maintenance.  She is encouraging anyone who passes by to feel free to pull out weeds.
There are receipts for a further £50 spent on the garden to be re-imbursed to Louise.  The Committee would like to thank her for creating such a lovely space for the village.
Bill distributed his report which was discussed. We currently have virtually no income and are reliant on the grant we received from the Council to cover our costs.  We received donations of over £800 from the collection at Arthur Starling’s funeral which is much appreciated.  Fiona to write to Roland and thank him.  Bill has started to analyse the costs of the Covid pandemic to the Hall and will compare year on year.  He has also looked at Utility Aid and believes they can offer us a cheaper deal on utilities than Utility Warehouse. 
Air Ambulance Bin
The Committee decided not to continue with this due to the problems with collections and the fact that the charity does not receive much money from the service.  Textiles can be recycled with the weekly Council kerbside collections.
Maintenance List & CCTV
The list has been updated and Chris will circulate this and is asking for people to volunteer for specific tasks.  Angelo sent a quote for an extra camera to monitor the Play Park.  It is hoped this will also deter vandals from damaging the Skatepark.  The cost would be £280 and will have a night vision facility.  It was felt that this is worth having, although Sue had some concerns about how useful it actually is.  Chris will get more information from Angelo.
Health & Safety Considerations
Any Other Business
Neil has been unable to collect the money from the Car Park box. Sue remarked on how busy the car park has been and this was due to football starting again. This increases the emphasis that the parking is for legitimate users of the facilities and not users in the area for other reasons.
Jackie has asked for the dates Pre-school ran in June/July for invoicing purposes.  Amy to follow up.  Jackie asked if she should clear the calendar given that no activities are taking place but it was decided to leave it for now.  She asked for clarification on masks being worn in Dance classes and it was felt that this is covered under sports so long as social distancing is respected.
Phil asked Sue if she has officially taken over as Parish Council rep from Carol.  She will confirm who will be the nominated Trustee, which does not need to be the same person who attends the standard meetings..
Amy asked what is left in the Wildlife Garden budget for Pre-school.  Louise has spent approximately £170 so that leaves £130.  She asked about storing goalposts and Chris advised that these have been moved from that area down to near the Skatepark.
Date of Next Meeting
The date of the next meeting will be 14th of September at 7.45pm (via Zoom).
There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.55pm.
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