May 23 - Hawkesbury Upton Village Hall - Hire for Weddings, Parties, Stage for Live music

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Village Hall Committee Meeting – 22nd May 2023
·       Apologies for Absence (Fiona)
·       Minutes of Previous Meeting (Fiona)
·       Decisions, Approvals, Committee Ratifications (proposals circulated prior to meeting)
·     Decision re action to be taken regarding accident on Playpark (Andrew/Kate)
·       Policy Review (updates for approval circulated prior to meeting)
·     None at this meeting
·       Strategic Plan Activities
·       Product marketing brochures – meeting update and outcomes (Jane/Kate)
·       Wedding fayre feedback (Fiona/Louise)
·       Environmental Strategy Development
·       Nothing more at this meeting
·       Section 106 funds
·       Park St. plan on hold
·       Hall Operations Status (Kate)
·        Christmas shopping evening – volunteers’ status (Kate)
·       Bookings & events update (Jackie)
·       Booking updates/info  (Jackie)
·       2023 Fund raising events/bookings calendar (Andrew/Jackie)
·       July wedding (Andrew)
·       Monthly Reports (issued in advance - arisings only)
·     Finance (Andrew)
·     Health & Safety (Andrew)  
·     Playpark/Skatepark (Steve)
·     Monthly checks register (Angelo)
·       Parish Council feedback (Sue)
·       Correspondence & Publicity (Fiona & Jane)
·       AOB (All)
 Date of Next Meeting:  12th June 2023 at 7.45pm

Minutes of Committee Meeting
22nd May 2023
Andrew Webb    Angelo Sauro   Sue Hope    Fiona Steeds     Alan Charlesworth 
Vicky Rispin     Jackie Sandy    Neil Fozard      Sally Roberts      Hilary Rogers
 Katie Griffin    Hannah Herod
 Mandy Clarke    Steve Magrath    Kate Bashford   Jane Stanbridge    Bill Cullen
The Minutes of the April meeting were agreed as a true record.
Playpark Accident
A full investigation has been carried out and we have spoken to the Installer and Manufacturer.  The equipment meets the European safety standard both in design and installation: we could order a guardrail but there is no legal requirement to do so and it would limit the play aspect of that section according to the manufacturer.  We have established that the equipment in question is designed for 3-5 year olds (the child involved in the accident was under 2).  Andrew proposed putting up signage indicating this and will establish whether all equipment in the junior play area is designed for 3 and up.  However, we do not want to have too many signs and it is imperative that children are supervised when using the Playpark.  The Committee rejected the idea of the guardrail.
None at this meeting.
Marketing Brochure
Jane, Jackie, Kate and Andrew have met to design this.  Kate will also look at possible grants for website development.  The plan is to have a consistent logo/branding.  Sally has passed on the contact who did the new Tennis Club logo to Andrew.  Andrew will also speak to Naomi Couzens Short.  Jackie asked if we can have a “Village Hall” sign outside so as people know where we actually are. Andrew said that is on the list of new signs and also we will look at hall name signage at the entry to the car park where the wooden barriers are located.
Wedding Fayre Feedback
Louise and Fiona spoke to several caterers, photographers, car hire people etc and Louise collected business cards.  Fiona to ask her to pass these on to Jackie.
None at this meeting.
On hold.
Christmas Shopping Evening
Several people have now come forward and volunteered to run this.  Kate is liaising with them.
Bookings update/info
We have a Christening with Bar booked for September.
Jackie has emailed HU5K regarding use of the Rec.
There have been several requests to hire tables, chairs and crockery.  Jackie asks for a donation for this which the Committee is happy with.
July Wedding
Andrew has been liaising on this and has arranged for his son to provide hay bales and firepit – he is dealing direct with the customer so not related to the Hall.  Andrew will update at the June meeting and will need volunteers to help on 8th July.
2023 Fundraising events calendar
We need to decide whether we want to do a Music event in September.  Alan suggested an “Oktoberfest” event which was well received.  He also mentioned camping over Badminton weekend as a possible income source.
Finance –  Bill had distributed his report. No issues raised.
Health and Safety – It was agreed that in the event of an Accident, this should be recorded in the Accident Book and a copy of the report photographed and sent to Angelo.  Vicky will put a note on the Accident Book.
Playpark / Skatepark –  Steve’s report was received – everything ok.
Monthly checks register – A stone is loose on the drystone wall. This is being monitored.  The tap on the field has been replaced.  Alan has updated the Fire Safety Report.
The following policies are due to be updated in June 2023:
Financial Procedures - Bill
Equality & Diversity – Andrew & Kate
Cleaning Policy – Kate   (Fiona to email Kate as ask her to do this)
Bar Procedure – Angelo & Andrew
Andrew to look at the Charity Commission submission.
Sue reported that The Fox is going to be registered as a Community Asset.  This will give the community 6 months to bid for the property.  There is the possibility of setting up a Land Trust to help with this.  Sue also advised that the Church is removing pews with the aim of hosting events.
Email from Andrew McLaughlin (Parish Councillor) requesting permission to put a sign on the Playpark railings regarding hedgehog conservation.  This was agreed but Fiona to advise him that the sign may have to be moved at a later date when we put our own signage up.
Sue & Vicky are having trouble with keys for their respective Hall Cupboards being difficult to open.  Angelo to have a look.
Neil suggested getting a Maypole which would create an opportunity for a community event. We need to decide what type of event this would be and who would organise and run it. He also thinks we should put in a Boules pitch and Andrew said he will add that to the list of potential hall improvements/investments.
Alan asked what is happening with the carpet bowls.  Angelo says we have the carpet and Dave Harris has some spare bowls.  Angelo will organise a session to gauge interest.
There being no further business the meeting was closed at 22h00.
Date of next meeting: 12th June 2023

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