Mar 24 - Hawkesbury Upton Village Hall - Hire for Weddings, Parties, Stage for Live music

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CIO Trustees > 2024 Minutes
Village Hall Committee Meeting – 11th March 2024
·       Apologies for Absence (Fiona)
·       Minutes of Previous Meeting (Fiona)
·       Decisions, Approvals, Committee Ratifications (proposals circulated prior to meeting)
·     Playpark maintenance request from Christmas Shopping organisers (Andrew)
·     AGM plan (all)
·       Policy Review (updates for approval circulated prior to meeting)
·       None at this meeting
·       Strategic Plan Activities
·       Heating Control/Energy Management System – operation update (Angelo)
·       Funding source update (Andrew)
o   West of England Rural Fund – solar application £38k
o   Hawksbury Show Committee – update
o   Tesco young people grant (via PC) – discussion
o   CIL opportunities – discussion
·       Plan for the next 3 yr. Strategic/Investment Plan (Andrew)
·       Section 106 funds
·       De-brief from meeting with S.Glos Council & potential options (Andrew/Kate)
·       Hall Operations Status (Kate)  
·       Nothing to report
·       Bookings & events update (Jackie)
·       Booking updates/info  (Jackie)
·       2024 Fund raising events/bookings calendar (Andrew)
·       Hall Committee fund-raising events – Sept & Dec (Alan/Neil)
·       Big Breakfast – finances report (Andrew)
·       PTA curry & quiz report (Andrew)
·       Monthly Reports (issued in advance - arisings only)
·     Finance (Bill)
·     Health & Safety (Andrew) 
·     Monthly checks register (Angelo)
·     Rec/playpark/skatepark monthly checks – formal check sheet requirement
·       Parish Council feedback (Katie)
·       Correspondence & Publicity (Fiona & Jane)
·       AOB (All)
 Date of Next Meeting:  8th April 2024 at 7.45pm

Minutes of Committee Meeting 
Monday 11th March 2024                                                                    
Andrew Webb, Bill Cullen, Angelo Sauro, Neil Fozard, Vicky Rispin, Alan Charlesworth, Hilary Rogers, Fiona Steeds, Jackie Sandy, Sally Roberts, Sue Hope
Hannah Herod, Mandy Clarke, Kate Bashford, Jane Stanbridge, Katie Griffin
The Minutes of the February 2024 Meeting were agreed as a true record.
Playpark Maintenance Request
The group who very successfully organised the Christmas Shopping Evening have requested some repairs to the Playpark: painting of swings, repaint Twister dots and a new picnic bench.  Alan is concerned that the metal on the swings has not been coated to retain paint and will look into costs for specialist treatment, and if prohibitive will investigate if a protective wrap solution would be feasible.  Angelo said that all woodwork needs to be treated.  The Committee agreed in principle to the proposal. Costs to undertake the various elements to be obtained by the Maintenance Team. (See later item on Tesco Young People Grant)
It was agreed that the AGM will take place on Monday 29th April 2024 at 7pm. Jane to advertise this in the Parish Magazine.
None at this meeting.
Heating Control/Energy Management System – operation Update
Angelo has not heard back from West Country Electrical regarding the de-stratification fans. He will follow up.  Angelo would also like other Committee members to be able to access and control the heating App.  Andrew and Jackie are happy to do this.
Funding Source Update
West of England Rural Fund
Andrew reported that we have submitted a grant application for £38K for an extra 29kwatt of solar panels and battery storage, plus 2 EV charging points. This would give us a total of 40kwatt power which would cover all our electricity needs and enable us to operate  a ground source heat pump in the future. We hope to hear next month if we are successful.
Hawkesbury Show Committee
Andrew and Vicky met with Julian Round who advised that the Show Committee are keen to support the Hall over the next few years with a strategic project aimed at increasing revenue generation for the Hall.  Andrew to continue discussions and will include this in the next issue of the Strategic Plan.Tesco Young People Grant
This grant is available from Tesco via  the Parish Council and is very specifically aimed at improving Play areas and repairing equipment.  Maximum value is £1.5k. Andrew felt that this is an ideal source of funding for the repairs requested (see Playpark Maintenance request above).  Andrew asked if the Committee would agree to add an additional £1k of our funds, if necessary, and this was agreed.  Andrew will liaise with Hazel Jones on the application.
CIL Opportunities
Andrew asked Sue if she was able to give an idea of how much CIL money may potentially  be available to us to inform our Strategic Planning, but she cannot do this. She will send an application form to Andrew.
Andrew is in the process of compiling the next Strategic Plan and will pull together the above different sources into that plan for presentation at a future meeting.
Kate & Andrew have met with SGC on this.  The money available from the Park St housing development must specifically be spent on facilities on the Rec as a first option, as agreed between SGC and the Developer (£42.5K Children & Young People and £27k Nature & Open Spaces). These categories of spend are not negotiable as they are aligned to the SGC Local Plan, and agreed by the Planning Dept and the Developer. If we do not use it then the money can be reclaimed by  the Developer.  Kate is negotiating an extended deadline for our application. Andrew and Kate have considered the existing basketball area and the poor condition of it. Despite this it is popular with young children and teenagers so they propose  we ask contractors for cost estimates on establishing a multi use games area (MUGA).  Alan felt this was just the right type of facility that is currently missing in the village. Sue thought it very important to include young people and Andrew will ask Youth Club and PTA for input.  The Nature and Open Space money could be used for new fencing, hedge screening and possibly relocating and expanding the wildlife area.
Nothing to report.
Jackie has taken a lot of bookings for children’s parties.  Some are very close together time wise but all have been informed that cleaning between bookings will not be possible.  There are two events which will require a Bar – 12/4 and 1/6.  Jackie to follow up.  Karate have given up their Monday night booking.  Jane to advertise this availability in the Parish Mag and generally promote the Hall as an ideal venue for “All Life Events”. Andrew emphasised that private bookings with a bar provide our best revenue opportunities and is especially important this year as we have no weddings booked.
Hall fundraising events   Alan reported that the cost of an Oompah Band for “Oktoberfest” would be £2.5k which would make it difficult to turn a profit.  Also Horton are doing a similar event in September. The alternative is to hold a live music event featuring a band who have previously been popular.  Angelo will speak to Sally Bleaken for ideas.  As there is no event taking place on the Sunday after Show Day this could be a good opportunity.
For December, Neil has spoken to the FOSM committee who are very keen.  Andrew asked Neil to go back to them and ask if they will come up with a theme and be responsible for organisation this time.  The Hall Committee will of course assist with the event.
Big Breakfast 2024 made a profit of £590.   Vicky has made a list of suggestions to make next year’s event run more smoothly.  This will be discussed when planning for next year (along with suggestions from Mandy).
PTA Curry & Quiz
This event was run under our new policy arrangement where User Groups get a share of nett bar profit providing they supply the staff to operate the bar.  The evening was extremely successful resulting in good profits for  both the Hall and PTA. These examples are demonstrating “win/win” scenarios for both the Hall and User Groups and prove that eliminating BYO events is the right policy.
Bill presented his Report which was discussed.  He is struggling to get payment from one of our event hirers but will continue to chase that down and get Andrew’s support if required. February was a healthy month for our finances with good bar receipts and good receipts from Children’s parties. Despite paying for repairs the dishwasher is still not working properly and may require a new element.  Angelo to investigate.
Health & Safety
Alan has fitted the bump strip to the Entrance Canopy. Andrew to update the H&S risk management plan.
Monthly Checks
Angelo reported that the annual Playpark inspection had been carried out by Rynat.  Two issues were highlighted which have been addressed.  Angelo has also repaired the Clothes Bank and has a key for it.  Steve Magrath is no longer doing the monthly Play area checks.  Andrew was concerned that there is not a specific checklist for this.  Angelo and the Maintenance Team have taken over and will work to a checklist based on the Rynat report.  The monthly report will be signed by the person undertaking it. Alan has been emptying the bins on the Rec and thinks this needs to be done at least twice a month.  Andrew to arrange a present for Steve.  Fiona has written to Steve to thank him.
The Parish Council tidy up will take place on 23rd March.  The Parish Plan requires more planting and Andrew commented that the Section 106 funding referenced above may provide an opportunity for the Hall to provide some additional hedging/trees.
No correspondence.  Fiona to email Jane a list of items for the Parish magazine.
Alan asked Neil if he could have the field rolled before the Caravan Club event and they will arrange this.
There being no further business, the meeting was closed at 10pm
Date of next meeting: Monday 8th April 2024 at 7.45pm

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