July 12 - Hawkesbury Upton Village Hall - Hire for Weddings, Parties, Stage for Live music

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Minutes of Meeting
Held on Monday 9th July 2012

Angelo Sauro    Chris Rispin     Mick Bendeaux      Pat Sherry    Hilary Rogers
Fiona Steeds     Lorraine Rutter      Jane Stanbridge,  Kate Bashford,  Sue Hope, Pete & Sue Webb,   Bryan Robinson Dave Anderson.  
1. Apologies

Apologies were received from Louise Roberts     

2. Previous Minutes
The Minutes of the previous meeting were signed as a true statement.

3. Matters Arising
Constitution Issues/Boundary
– A meeting was held with Helen Black today to go over what was previously discussed.  A follow up meeting is planned for 15 th August when a framework will be drawn up and presented to the Committee at a later date.  The Conveyancing Deed relating to boundaries still missing.
Car Park – The contractors are ready to proceed but paperwork for the grant has not yet been processed.  MB to arrange work once this has gone through.
Skatepark – Another small grant has been awarded and funds are now approx. £5000 short of target.  DA hopes to have reached target by September and that work will be done this year.  DA also presented a proposed "Terms of Reference" for the Sub-Committee and asked if this could be considered for approval at the next meeting.  Some minor changes were suggested and BR to present to Parish Council.  AS suggested  HB look at it as she is involved in a similar scheme.
Hall Website - AS and  JS suggested to meet up on 6 th August to review progess.
Internet & Phone – AS checking prices, but as we are Business not Residential this accounts for high charges.
Boiler – this seems to be ok now.
CleanerMB to ensure MP knows how to access Hall Calendar and check she is happy with rota.  SH said that people have commented on how clean the Hall is and what a good job she is doing.
Lighting Bars – two have been sold.  PS reported that lights which were on the stage should have been put up yesterday.  Concern that ladder is too short to access new lights.  DA has contact for "cherry picker" which is also needed to replace fluorescent tubes.  Fittings for attaching ceiling fabric to be put up – this is needed for function on 18 th August.  PS provided PAT tests from Electrician who also confirmed that the work falls outside building regulations.  FS to file paperwork.
Netting – in hand.  Another panel has come down.

These are items which will be put on hold until funds are available:
Resurface Car Park; New Kitchen; Bench for Playground; Stage Curtain Tabs

4. Treasurer’s Report
distributed the report by email.  PW suggested we try to get cheaper oil supplier.  MB to check what we currently pay.  KB suggested speaking to Liz Haddock who runs an oil buying group.  Tank is showing signs of corrosion.

5. Emergency Lighting/Fire Bells/Extinguishers & Meter Readings
carried out checks – attached.

6. Playground Check
No check due this month.

7. Correspondence
Email and documentation regarding stage lighting – see above.

8. Any Other Business
has had a report from Sally Roberts that children are making dens with timber from the recycling.  PS to alert Neil.

PW advised that Karate told him they think someone has tried to force the front door.  There is a problem that sometimes the door does not shut properly if grit becomes trapped. AS to ask NF to check this.

Lorraine advised that we have 3 big functions coming up.  She still has no paperwork for the wedding.  MB thought he had emailed it to her but confirmed that it is all in order.  Two people want licence until 1am - MB said this is ok.  One has requested stage lighting.  LR will email Alan Hemingway with request.

PW raised matter of signatories as Helen Black had suggested we have four.  At present we have three.

DA was asked by the driver of a Camper Van if they could stay overnight in the car park.  As he was not sure what our policy was, he said he thought it would be ok and asked that a donation be left in the honesty box.  KB added that the car park had been very busy and that the Library Bus had been unable to get in on Monday.

9. Date of next meeting

The date of the next meeting will be Monday 13 th August at 7.45pm.
There being no further business the meeting was closed at 8.50pm.

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