Feb 25 - Hawkesbury Upton Village Hall - Hire for Weddings, Parties, Stage for Live music

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CIO Trustees > 2025 Minutes
Village Hall Committee Meeting – 10th February 2025
·         Apologies for Absence (Fiona)
·         Minutes of Previous Meeting (Fiona)
·         Issues arising/Decisions/Approvals
·      AGM planning (Andrew/Fiona/Bill)
·      Allocation of funds – 2025 (Andrew)
·         Policy Review (updates for approval circulated prior to meeting)
·         None at this meeting
·         Strategic Plan Activities
·         Phase 3 Development & Environmental Action Plan review (Andrew)
·         Section 106 funds
·         Covered in previous item
·         Hall Operations Status
·         None at this meeting
·         Bookings & events update (Jackie)
·         Booking updates (Jackie)
·         Fund raising events calendar (Andrew)
·         Big Breakfast (Fiona)
·         Monthly Reports (issued in advance - arisings only)
·      Finance (Bill)
·      Health & Safety (Andrew)
·      Monthly checks register (Angelo)
·         Parish Council feedback (Katie)
·         Correspondence & Publicity (Fiona & Hannah)
·         AOB (All)
 Date of Next Meeting:  10th March at 19.45

Minutes of Committee Meeting 
Monday 10th February 2025                                                                    
Andrew Webb, Jackie Sandy, Alan Charlesworth, Fiona Steeds, Angelo Sauro, 
Katie Griffin, Hilary Rogers
Mandy Clark, Neil Fozard, Vicky Rispin,  Bill Cullen,  Jane Stanbridge,
Sue Hope,  Sally Roberts,
The Minutes of the January 2025 Meeting were agreed as a true record.
AGM Planning
The AGM will be held on Monday 24th March at 7pm for 7.30pm start. Andrew is working on his Report and Bill on the Accounts.  Fiona to email Trustees to ask if they will stand for re-election. Andrew to update Trustee list.
Allocation of Funds 2025
Andrew gave a presentation to summarise our financial status  at the beginning of 2025.  The  Hall is now in a secure  financial state operationally,  and we have generated funds for re-investment in the building and new facilities. However increasing running costs through utilities, insurances etc  and capital expenditure requirements on the infrastructure of the building to address increased regulatory and insurance requirements plus increased maintenance costs as the building continues to age means we need to continue to both fundraise and seek grant aid in various forms. Andrew suggested we put aside £5k towards our project to replace oil with green energy and this was agreed.  It is planned  to build this fund annually and that this will help with any future grant applications for what will be an expensive capital project in 2026/27.
None at this meeting.
Phase 3 Development & Environmental Action Plan Review
Andrew talked through the updated 2024-2027 strategic development plan phase 3 highlighting the projects we have earmarked going forward.  He has notionally attributed budgets to each project but said these are arbitrary at this time as we need to understand the position of the Parish Council with regards longer term financial support to the hall.
Andrew has sent a paper and requested a meeting with Parish Councillors to discuss developing a 3 year funding plan, primarily aimed at applying for  CIL Money towards the infrastructure work on the hall, such as Fire Safety and Security which are mandatory but offer no improvement to hall revenues or improving the facilities.  Katie suggested that we press for a meeting in March.
The overall plan was agreed in principle and it was further agreed that the easier and less debatable projects, e.g.  purchase of tables for the upstairs room, website development and finalisation of the EV Charging area should go ahead. 
Jane has spoken to interested parties about the proposal to plant hedging around the perimeter using the Section 106 funding.  We are hoping to put this to tender very soon.
Regarding the Young People’s 106 fund, it was agreed that a working party will meet on the Rec to decide the best way forward regarding the area around the Basketball court.  Andrew, Jane, Angelo, Alan (and possibly Bill) volunteered to do this and bring a proposal back to the Committee on what this project should include and how it could be physically accommodated.
See above.
None at this meeting.
Booking Updates/Info
Jackie has confirmed the Bee Keepers meeting.  They will require the upstairs room and parking on the Rec.
Jackie met with the lady who wants to organise a Folk Camp but although she decided not to go ahead this year she may book our venue in the future.
2025 Fundraising events/Bookings Calendar
We have 4 major fundraisers booked so far this year which is an improvement on 2024.
2025 Hall Big Breakfast
Fiona thanked those who have volunteered to help.  We could still do with another couple of volunteers. There is no-one to do the Raffle and we need more people to cook bacon.  Fiona to email round again. Andrew requested that User Group Trustees and other members of their groups try to help out as the exec committee Trustees are extremely busy with all other aspects of running the hall.
Bill was not present so no Report distributed this month.
Health & Safety
No issues.
Monthly Checks
Andrew & Angelo to meet regarding Destrat Fans situation.
Angelo has successfully trialled the EV Charging facility.  There are a few details to finalise before we go public with it. Plan to have it fully activated in early March.
EWS have recommended we empty one water tank as the showers are not being used and the water could become stagnant.  Angelo will arrange for Ricky to do this.
Katie re-iterated that we should pursue the meeting with Parish Councillors urgently as there is another project being considered for CIL funding.
A request from a Fish & Chip Van to set up in the Hall Car Park has been received. Andrew proposed we reject the request in light of how this would affect business at the Pub, bearing in mind they already offer Fish & Chips.  This was agreed.
Jackie will speak to Ange about cleaning the main hall floor on a weekly basis using the prescribed cleaning materials in addition to the regular sweeping etc. .We will then decide if a one-off deep clean by the floor company is required.
Fiona to let Bill & Jackie have dates for Knead Bakery so that they can be invoiced.
Angelo/Andrew to find alternative space for Ed as EV Chargers are now in situ.
There being no further business, the meeting was closed at 9.55pm.
Date of next meeting: Monday 10th March 2025
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