Oct 22 - Hawkesbury Upton Village Hall - Hire for Weddings, Parties, Stage for Live music

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Village Hall Committee Meeting – 17th October 2022
·       Apologies for Absence (Fiona)
·       Minutes of Previous Meeting (Fiona)
·       Decisions, Approvals, Committee Ratifications (proposals circulated prior to meeting)
·     Hiring Terms & Conditions (Phil)
·     Hiring charge policy and framework (Andrew & Bill)
·     Storage proposal following departure of Pre-school (Vicky)
·       Policy Review (updates for approval circulated prior to meeting)
·     None at this meeting
·       Strategic Plan Activities
·       Investment/Development plan summary update
o   Status review on top 10 activities & spend to date (Andrew)
·       Environmental Strategy Development
·       Feedback from Oct 10th strategy meeting (Chris)
·       Grant application for wall thermal insulation (Kate)
·       Section 106 funds
·       Response to proposal from S.Glos council – in principle agreement? (Kate)
·       Hall Operations Status (Kate)
·       Bookings & events update (Jackie)
·       Booking updates/info  (Jackie)
·       2022 Fund raising events/bookings calendar (Andrew/Jackie)
·       Wedding preparations Oct 22nd
·       Report on Thornbury Swing Band and Moscow Drug Club Band events (Andrew)
·       Wotton Wind Band preparations
·       Report on Table-Top Sale event
·       December event – gin/wine tasting (with FOSM?) – plans (Jane)
·       Caravan club event (Angelo)
·       Football club status (Angelo)
·       Monthly Reports (issued in advance - arisings only)
·     Finance (Bill)
·     Health & Safety (Chris)
·     Playpark/Skatepark (Steve)
·     Monthly checks register inc maintenance update/plans (Angelo)
·       Parish Council feedback (Sue)
·       Correspondence & Publicity (Fiona & Jane)
·       AOB (All)
 Date of Next Meeting:  14th November 2022 at 7.45pm

Minutes of Committee Meeting
17th October 2022
Andrew Webb     Hilary Rogers    Jackie Sandy   Kate Bashford   Angelo Sauro   Alan Charlesworth          Neil Fozard      Sue Hope     Vicky Rispin
Jane Stanbridge   Phil Dennett    Bill Cullen    Fiona Steeds     Sam Allen
Mandy Clarke    Steve Magrath   Louise Roberts    Chris Knight     Hannah Herod   Sally Roberts                
The Minutes of the September meeting were agreed as a true record. 
Hiring Terms & Conditions
The document had been circulated prior to the meeting.  A few minor additions clarifying the location and display of certain documents referenced in the policy and the check list were suggested which Phil will make.  The Committee thanked Phil for producing a very comprehensive document and it was approved subject to these minor amendments.
Hiring Charge Policy & Framework
Andrew went through the summary points, having sent out the document in advance of the meeting.  The Committee were happy with the principle of having 4 different pricing levels: Hall User Groups and regular hirers; Local Residents & Charities; Private Bookings from outside the village; Commercial hiring. All the other principles of the policy were also agreed as was the structure of the pricing framework.  The only point that required significant debate and further clarity  was how to deal with BYO bookings. After much discussion, and considering several alternative proposals, the fundamental principle proposed in the policy, ie generally not allowing BYO bookings but giving the committee the right to make discretionary exceptions in certain circumstances and applying an additional “cover charge” on top of the hourly hire rate to at least ensure the Hall would not make a loss through such bookings, was agreed. A few minor amendments on other aspects reflecting input from Chris and Kate were agreed and the policy and framework was approved subject to these minor amendments.
In terms of exercising the policy it was agreed that for any BYO booking requests the booking secretary along with a sub-group of the committee would decide on these bookings on an individual basis. The committee discussed how “guidelines” may be set to advise the sub-group in making these discretionary allowances and Andrew offered to attempt to produce a high-level guideline.
Post Meeting Note: The following guideline is proposed;
-          For Hall user groups, charity organisations or Not For Profit organisations BYO will only be permitted if the provision of the bar is either not possible/deemed unprofitable and the event does not generate any cash/revenue. For any other events BYO will not be permitted.
This is only a guideline and the sub-group’s decision would be final. In any cases where BYO is permitted the cover charge would be applied and the amount would be at the discretion of the sub-group to ensure the Hall does not suffer financial loss as a result of the event.
The next step is for actual prices to be set.  Andrew proposed this will be done by a sub-group of non-user group trustees to avoid any conflicts of interest but it would  include Bill. Andrew took the action to do this and bring it back to the next committee meeting.
Vicky reported that Pre-school have cleared the big cupboard but still have items stored in the shed.  Bill will charge them for this.  Toddler and Library groups have stored their stuff in the big cupboard and the Chair store is now only for chairs and the table tennis table.  The understage trolleys are empty except for cardboard which Alan offered to take for the Bonfire group.  Storage will be needed for the indoor bowls carpet.  The sign for Pre-school is to be removed.
None at this meeting.  
Investment/Development Plan Actions:
Most of the top 10 activities are now completed.  Andrew is still finalising signage and Bill is looking at how we can upgrade the upstairs meeting room.  When the new pricing structure is agreed we can update the website. Andrew asked Vicky about a grant from the Parish magazine for signage but this will not be available until next year and will probably not cover the costs. Sue suggested we apply to the Parish Council for CIL money.
Chris chaired a meeting last Monday.  Several people volunteered to look at aspects of the plan, such as Recycling and Bio-diversity. Andrew will categorise the suggested areas for improvement. Phil thought we should emphasise the progress we have made so far, eg Solar Panels and Insulation.  Kate has successfully applied for a grant for wall thermal insulation in the amount of £2700.  The Committee thanked her for this.
Kate has spoken to the officer at South Glos who has verbally confirmed an ‘in principle’ approval of the project.  When written confirmation has been received the idea can be shared with the wider Parish. This will hopefully encourage people to get involved and lead  the project with the support of the Hall committee.  
Nothing to Report.
Bookings update/info
Jackie said that we have a possible new regular booking for a Yoga class upstairs.  Neil hopes the History Group will return soon as well.
2022 Fundraising events / bookings
We have the Wedding this weekend, Wootton Wind Band, Bonfire Night, Drama Pantomime and the Gin Tasting all before the end of the year.
Wedding Preparations – Andrew asked for volunteers for Saturday and several Committee members agreed to help out.
Wotton Wind Band – Jane has promoted the event on Facebook and the Parish Magazine.
Thornbury Swing Band & Moscow Drug Club – all Committee members who attended the events were very impressed with the brilliant musicians who performed.  Louise was thanked for creating a great atmosphere for the Moscow Drug Club event and Andrew confirmed that this event brought in approx £400 profit, with approx. £120 profit from the Thornbury Swing Band event. These were lower than anticipated due to lower ticket sales.
Table top sale - £307 was raised.  However due to lack of purchasers on the day Jane thinks we should not put another one on in the near future.  Fiona suggested a car boot sale as a possible alternative.
Gin EventJane confirmed this for Saturday 3/12.  Tickets will be £16 with FOSM doing food.  Profits to be split 50/50.  Tables of 10 are available for groups or tickets can be bought individually.  Bar to be booked and volunteers will be needed to set up and assist in running the event.  Kate and Bill have agreed to help.  Andrew will arrange for the sound system to be operational.
Caravan ClubAngelo has arranged a booking with Gloucestershire Caravan Club for 40 caravans paying £10 per night each for 3 nights at the end of April 2023.  They will also pay for Hall Hire and if successful there is potential for future bookings.
Football Club – they are no longer using the Rec. Angelo thinks they have folded but is unable to get hold of the organiser.  Andrew would like to find a way of promoting our facilities with local football leagues.
Hall Upstairs Office – a 3 year let has been provisionally agreed with the Parish Council to have exclusive use of the office on a permanent basis at a charge of £50 per week.  They will allow us access as required. The Committee approved this. Phil will produce a draft Rental Agreement for review by the Parish Council.
Finance – Bill presented his report for the month. Anna O’Brien has audited and approved the accounts.  The committee thanked Bill for the hard work he has put into improving the accounting system.
Health and Safety – Monthly checks completed. All ok.  
Playpark / Skatepark – Steve has done the checks and all ok.  He will email his report in due course.  Kate is making progress in trying to resolve a permanent solution to the swings.
Monthly checks register – Angelo presented these.  Andrew Warner reported that the trees are touching the phone line which needs resolving.  However, the Committee decided we longer need a landline so Angelo will arrange for it to be taken out and the contract cancelled. This could potentially save approx. £400/yr. The Bar Policy is still outstanding.  Phil will forward documentation to Andrew to help him to finalise this with Angelo.  Phil to submit Charities Commission report by the end of October.
South Glos Council are encouraging parishes to provide “warm spaces” this winter.  Sue has asked the Library group if they would be prepared to run a weekly session in the Hall with soup/teas etc available.  The Parish Council will subsidise the hall rental.  Sue is awaiting a response from the group but other volunteers will be needed.
Jane asked if we need to apply for a Temporary Event Notice for the Gin Evening, but Phil did not think this is necessary.
Bill is still waiting for confirmation of the Tarriff for the Solar Panels.
Kate announced that she will step down as Vice Chair of the Committee at the AGM but intends to stay on as a Trustee.
Andrew presented Sam with a gift in recognition of her long service to the Hall Committee.  She will be missed and we wish her all the best for the future.
There being no further business the meeting was closed at 22h26.
Date of Next Meeting will be Monday 14th November at 7.45pm.

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