Energy M'inutes 2907 - Hawkesbury Upton Village Hall - Hire for Weddings, Parties, Stage for Live music

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Hawkesbury Sustainable Energy Group
Meeting Notes Tuesday 29 July 2008
Angelo Sauro
Ralph Pidsley
Pete Salenieks
Sara White
Sue Hope
Jes Rutter
Jon Boyle
Main Topic of discussion: energy saving awareness event in October.
Angelo had discussions with Emma Baldwin of SGC and we agreed to take on board her suggestion of  having a stand at the Show for SGC, ourselves and possibly Local Food
Also agreed with Emma’s suggestion of having something else to attract people to our Event, so we will have a Brunch available at £2 per head.
Ideas for the Showday event were brainstormed. All ideas noted below. Further suggestions welcome - all group members to review and comment.
Funding  - Ralph to ask Vision Project if they would underwrite any losses up to £50 on the Brunch.
Event date will be Saturday 4 October 09:30 to 1pm.
More suggestions captured for the event  flyer (see below), which will also help provide a consistent description of our intentions to potential stallholders– all to review and comment
Next meeting Tuesday 19 August, 7.30pm at The Beaufort
Showday Notes
We need to attract people to our stand and have the following suggestions:
JR  to check if he can get hold of magnetic display quiz
JR to provide 6 Energy meters
AS to check if British Energy has anything on offer
RP to contact EST to see if any interactive exhibits available (and invite to 4 Oct)
AS to check Internet for computer type quizzes
AS to provide old style computer monitor (RP also has one)
AS to contact Vicky re position of our tables in field
AS to create Email address & Website address for flyer and pass to SH
JB to build demonstration of electric usage, using different light bulbs etc.
JB to have his Van at show with solar panel and inverter
JB to bring his school fan project, kids hands on type display
PS to provide his solar battery charger
SH to provide Gazebo
SH to check if Val from Local Food can make the day
RP to provide table-top display board and source tables (will ask School)
RP to create peg-board game
SW to provide barrels to hold down gazebo/awning
Display boards from Hall if needed

SH to send Emma Flyer info
General Notes
SH to send out Environment Forum document
SH to check if Warm and Well are OK for October
AS to contact Cafe for October event
RP to contact Pete Best at SWEA
AS & RP to start contacting Installers for the Event day.
Agreed to hold a Brunch on the October day event at £2 per person
AS to speak to shop re sale or return for eggs, bacon etc.
SH Copy of Flyer to go into Parish Mag Sept/Oct editions.
ALL Flyer or an ad to go into other village mags, find out which ones
SH to see if Steve Webb would be able to visit the October event

If Emma cannot do the flyers then Sue to let Jes know before he goes on holiday on Thursday and Jes will kick this off for us via his company.

Flyer Details
The Flyer content below has been sent to Emma Baldwin to format and create the Flyers.

Watts it all about?
A morning of Bright Ideas
Hawkesbury Village Hall
4 October 2008

9.30 am – 1.00 pm
Breakfast rolls, tea & coffee
Come and hear practical advice on ways to save energy in the home – to suit all pockets
From Light Bulbs to Solar energy
Biomass to Heat pumps
Small Scale wind  - is it a load of hot air?
Local approved installers
Local organisations will be providing impartial advice on choosing a technology, the benefits and the likely costs
Come and meet Energy Bill and receive a free low-energy light bulb (one per house hold) first come first served.
Organised by Hawkesbury Energy Group (a non profit organisation).
Supported by Hawkesbury Vision Project and South Gloucestershire Council

For information on the Event please email  or view website pages here

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