Energy Mins 0807 - Hawkesbury Upton Village Hall - Hire for Weddings, Parties, Stage for Live music

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Hawkesbury Sustainable Energy Group
Meeting Notes Tuesday 8 July 2008
Angelo Sauro
Ralph Pidsley
Pete Salenieks
Sara White

Topic of discussion: energy saving awareness event in October.
Those present agreed that the main focus of the event should be energy saving in the home and introduction/explanation of alternative energy technologies
A name is needed for the event. One option proposed was “Watts it all about?” Further suggestions welcome.
Ideas for the event were brainstormed. All ideas noted below (to be refined). Further suggestions welcome - all group members to review and comment.
Funding may be needed for event flyers and/or hire of the hall (hopefully not necessary!) Ralph to raise with Vision Project team
Dates: Saturday 4 or 11 October (post-meeting note: 11 is not available)
Suggestions captured for an event flyer (see below), which will also help provide a consistent description of our intentions to potential stallholders– all to review and comment
Next meeting Thursday 17 October, 7.30pm at The Beaufort

Brainstorm Notes
Suggestions board (for people to share what they have done to save energy) – can be put onto the web afterwards
Stands for relevant organisations, who may be independent advisors or specialist installers:
SG Futurenergy
Warm & Well
Energy Saving Trust
E.ON, Npower, etc
British energy, BNG, etc
Energy consultant
Others (specialists, installers)
Stallholders will be expected to give advice and information on technologies, grants, energy saving tips, etc
Ask local people who have used alternative technologies to talk about their experiences (good and bad)
Have a stand for the Sustainable Energy Group (us) and to show energy plans for the hall

Ask some of the exhibitors to do a short talk (4x10 min slots?) – include general overview and specific topics/technologies
Conclude session with a chaired debate/Q&A involving the exhibitors
Invite surrounding villages? Make it a “Cotswold Edge” event?
Invite similar groups – eg North Nibley
Invite local notables – Steve Webb, councillors?
Single day event in village hall – say 10 till 4
Combine with another event?
Make refreshments available – small cost/donations
Layout the hall with stalls in logical sequence – eg in wide circle starting with lowest cost/cimple measures for saving energy, moving through general advice stands to specific higher-cost alternative technologies
Use half the hall for stands and half for seating/talks
Other ideas
Set up a simple demo of how low-energy bulbs (or other measures) can reduce energy consumption and save money – ask E.ON, BE, etc to do this?
Put on a brief play/show to illustrate key messages, esp for the kids
Create a cartoon character to capture imagination and illustrate concepts  – “Energy Bill”

Draft Event Flyer
Name of event: Watts it all about?
Date: 4 October 2008
Purpose: Offering practical advice on ways to save energy that will suit all pockets:
Light bulbs to Solar
Biomass to Heat pumps
Small scale wind - a load of hot air?
Impartial advice on choosing a technology and the likely costs.
Come and meet Energy Bill and receive a free low-energy light bulb! (One per household)

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