Energy Mins 1501 - Hawkesbury Upton Village Hall - Hire for Weddings, Parties, Stage for Live music

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Hawkesbury Sustainable Energy Action Group
Minutes of Meeting held 15th January 2008 7.30 at The Beaufort Arms
Present: Angelo Sauro (Chair)  Minutes copied to:  all present
Mark Steeds      other group members
Jes Rutter      Hawkesbury Vision Project
Ralph Pidsley
Pete Salenieks
                            Jane Galloway
                            Liz Howard
                            Sue Hope

Items discussed and actions agreed:
Discussion again took place regarding using the Hall and the school as ‘models’ for the project and again it was decided to continue with this plan.

Ralph to contact the PTA to see if they are prepared to help us with our aims, particularly as they produced figures that show the pool cost £11 per day to heat.
Jes to contact Fen for pool spec. and what’s happened to the Solar grant information he sent him.

Angelo to again seek assurance from the Hall committee that they will support the project.
Suggest that the Hall setup a separate Sustainable Energy account.
Obtain as many past electric and oil bills and pass to Jes to establish running costs.
Check what fluorescent tubes are being used and what are the replacements.

Jane to contact someone at North Nibley for information on their free Energy audit they had done on the Village Hall. Also how they then implemented any changes to the Hall.

Pete to write an article on Loft and Wall insulation and circulate to team for comments before publishing in Parish mag.

Ralph to contact Emma Baldwin of S.Glos Council Environmental Projects & Promotions Officer. She was involved in a recent promotion called greening your community building and unfortunately no one from Hawkesbury could attend. Ralph to try and get her to attend our next meeting.

Ralph pointed out that the DEFRA link he passed on in November looks to be a very useful aid to get the project rolling and we agreed that we should follow the pointers listed, site can be found here…

Liz suggested looking at Caradon District Council site as they have already implemented sustainability changes, site can be found here…

Mark suggested that a trip to the Create Centre in Bristol may give us ideas and will provide lots of information, site can be found here…

All minutes and information gathered so far has been stored at the following location             

Next meeting will take place at the Beaufort on 26 February  at 7.30pm

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