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Hawkesbury Sustainable Energy Action GroupMinutes of Meeting held 24 June at The BeaufortPresent: Angelo Sauro (Chair) Pete Salenieks Ralph Pidsley
Mark Steeds
Sara WhiteMinutes copied to: all present, other group members, Hawkesbury Vision Project Items discussed and actions agreed:

Due to lack of meetings lately, discussions took place regarding the objectives of the group. We agreed that the original objectives still stand.
We also agreed to have meetings every 2 to 3 weeks to try and move things along a bit quicker.

As the objectives are still to have the two ‘model’ projects i.e. the Hall and the School, we need to complete an energy audit on the school, as we have done so for the Hall.
Angelo to contact Jes to see if he already has any data and also to contact Encraft to see if they will carry out an audit.
Sara to contact Fen to see if they have data on the Pool and its energy costs.
Ralph to look for funding options for the school as these may be different to the Hall.

Need to contact North Nibley to gather as much information regarding their successful large grant from EoN.
Ralph to start checking out grant sources and any small print regarding multiple applications etc.
Angelo to forward to all the Graham Eastwick response to our questions on the EnCraft audit.
Ralph to follow up with Sue Hope and Emma Baldwin on the recent South Glos Environment Forum meeting. The Low Carbon Building Phase 2 grant can be matched with the lottery grant called CSEP (Community Sustainable Energy Programme, both give up to 50%. The LCBP2 is only for renewable energy costs, and has a quick turnaround, so definitely must pursue.

Angelo to ask Ian Rae to calculate insulation area to get an idea of cost.

It was agreed that our ‘Event’ needs to be planned sooner rather than later if we are to attract the large organisations like EoN etc. Therefore an Event meeting needs to take place in the next week or so, date agreed on as 8 July 7.30 in the Beaufort. Also need a catchy name for the ‘Event’.

It was suggested that maybe the Church could be the next ‘project’

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